
Pepsodent Makes Indonesians Smile on World Oral Health Day With InMobi and Glance

Increasing awareness of oral healthcare to millions of Indonesians, Pepsodent saw consultations being booked from mobile's first touchpoint.
About Pepsodent

As a globally renowned dental care brand, Unilever’s Pepsodent needs no introduction. The brand has left its mark on Indonesians to prevent dental problems, a mission it has been working toward for over three decades. 

1.55xhigher CTR achieved
1.67 MnIndonesians reached

“With a brand mission of eradicating oral health disease, we wanted to remove barriers and get Indonesians to do routine dental health consultations. World Oral Health Day was an opportunity we wouldn’t miss, and our partners at InMobi and Glance really helped amplify our message on mobile through rich experiences and innovative media.”

Jinitya Yasmine Basarah
Senior Brand Manager, Pepsodent

The Brand Objective

Indonesians have been battling dental problems for decades due to low awareness and limited access to dental care, especially among rural and low-income populations. With 86% of Indonesians having never visited the dentist and 90% of sufferers not seeking treatment until the pain is unbearable, Pepsodent knew it had to bring about a change. The brand thus aimed to run an oral health program around a day dedicated to dental care: World Oral Health Day. It partnered with 32 dentistry faculty across Indonesia to provide free dental treatment. Ensuring this reached the people who needed it required a solid campaign, and Pepsodent had one planned. There were two objectives at the core of this campaign: 1. Increasing awareness about oral health and dental care among Indonesians. 2. Leading them closer to the solution: Pepsodent’s free dental consultations on World Oral Health Day.

The Solution

Pepsodent launched a countrywide campaign with Mindshare, InMobi, and Glance to reach Indonesians on their always-on device: mobile. From the first touchpoint, the smart lock screen, to the deeper layers of the mobile app ecosystem, Pepsodent stayed present with Glance and InMobi, respectively. To ensure this message reached Indonesians most effectively, Pepsodent chose to communicate with them in Bahasa, the local language. Take a look at how thoughtful the approach was, driving dental consultations via teledentistry and in-person appointments.

#1 – Offering helpful information before they unlock the phone

On Glance, Pepsodent gave Indonesians a helpful insight into dental care. It intrigued them by asking when they last visited the dentist. When the viewer read on, they saw Pepsodent’s recommendation to visit a dentist every six months. The call-to-action took the viewer to a video that reinforced the message and offered a free consultation.

#2 – Acknowledging their issues and delighting them through a rich media solution

With InMobi, Pepsodent appealed to the viewer by relating to them by acknowledging the problem of expensive dental consultations. It enticed them with a surprise for World Oral Health Day. On tapping to see the surprise, the viewer was led to an interactive rich media slider that let them pick their problem – cavities or sensitive teeth, after which they could book a free consultation.

#3 – Helping them with free dental consultations

The experiences on Glance and InMobi had clear calls to action and easy instructions that let Indonesians book a free consultation, truly benefiting them. On Glance, they could chat with Pepsodent on WhatsApp and finalize the date. With InMobi, the viewer could visit Pepsodent’s WhatsApp account and ask Pepsodent to book a free virtual or in-person consultation.

Glance creative 1 Pepsodent

Creative Experience


The numbers were as big as the Indonesian smiles that Pepsodent created by giving free consultations. Besides seeing great engagement with the experiences and several registrations for the free consultation, the brand saw a +210 bps increase in its market share comparing the first quarters of 2021 and 2023. What’s more, its brand power saw a +50 bps lift.* *vs MAT Q4’22

