Life At Glance: with Sawitri Sadjimo

When did you join the Glance family?

I initially was a part of InMobi in 2016 as an intern for 1 year and was hired as a full-time employee, until I moved to Glance post its launch in Indonesia.

What did you do from the start of your career until now at Glance?

As an intern I was responsible for tagging actual point of interest in Indonesia for polygon technology, ranging from shopping malls to churches and mosques. Initially it was hard for me because it was my first experience in the sales vertical. I had no experience in the area and my knowledge of the industry was low. With an amazing support system, from the design front to the account management team, I learned a lot about soft skills, how to deal with clients and technical knowledge about our campaign delivery system.

Tell your growth story on Glance?

Glance is a unique proposition. Coming from an ad network background, learning about Glance is challenging and fascinating. How a simple lock screen can be a source of information and content across multiple categories. I learned a lot about content-centric platforms which I’ve never learned before. As Glance product advances with more features and functionality, keeping up with these advances has been an exciting adrenaline rush. And learning about Glance is not only about the features and functionality, but also about the deliverable metrics and figure out what kind of innovation we can do with this to offer to client.

How does Glance empower you in your current role?

First, I have an amazing manager. We have worked together for more than 5 years, and he understands and solves whatever concerns or challenges that I am stuck in. He has an outstanding work ethic which I try to follow myself and the way he empowers me is by leading by example. So, I never feel like I’m being pushed to do more, but I’m inspired to deliver more, and that’s what makes working with him always enjoyable.

For me, Glance Indonesia team is a very solid support system that really empowers the way I work here. All of us here have the same mindset to achieve the same goal. So, we work together, filling gaps to make sure our shared goal is met. This sense of "we're all in the same boat" is what makes working with this team so effortless yet motivating.

What is your message to people who want or are starting a career in the same role as you are now?

Be curious, proactive, have an end-to-end problem-solving mindset, and always think about what you do always matters.